SSES welcomes a new college counselor

College counseling welcomes a new addition to their department.

Ms. Fleming poses after her college graduation from UF in 2019.

Nichole Fleming

Ms. Fleming poses after her college graduation from UF in 2019.

Reese Williams, Associate Editor

This year we have had the wonderful College Counselor Mrs. Hasbrouck take on the responsibility of being the only counselor. She’s amazing, of course, but that is a big job for one person to do alone. After some extensive searching, SSES has found the perfect fit for the role of our second college counselor. The SSES community is excited to welcome a second counselor, Ms. Nicole Fleming.

Ms. Fleming is a 25-year-old graduate of the University of Florida. The Gauntlet was able to sit down with Ms. Fleming to get to know her as she starts her journey at SSES.

Ms. Fleming was born and raised in Bradenton, and she attended Braden River High School. She was an active member of many clubs and extracurriculars in high school. “I really love to cheer and dance,” Ms. Fleming said.  “I did both throughout high and college and I try to keep up with it as an adult”.

When asked how she found out about Saint Stephen’s, Ms. Fleming said, “I grew up in Bradenton,and always saw it as I drove down Manatee Ave. It is also right across from Shake Pit, which I grew up going to. Also my soon-to-be sister in law is a junior”. 

Ms. Fleming is a former college admissions officer at the University of Florida, and as a student she was an admissions ambassador. “I majored in public relations and family youth and community sciences was my minor. When I started college I didn’t know what I wanted to do but as I worked there I realized that helping students with college counseling on a deeper level was a passion for me. I saw that the job at SSES was in my hometown and with a school so focused on college prep, I felt like it was the perfect fit for me”.

Ms. Fleming says that as a leader, she is supportive.  “I want to be a motivator and let students know that they can do anything they set their mind to and I am here to support them”.

Ms. Fleming is “looking forward to the family aspect of the school. When I was interviewing, I could tell that the faculty and staff really enjoy their jobs and I look forward to coming into that environment every day.” 

Ms. Fleming also wants the student body to know to that they can “Drop by the college counseling office at any time. I am excited to work with you but also meet you, get to know you, see what you’re passionate about, and hear your plans for the future. I want to help you get there.” 

So, we had to pry on one of our favorite icebreaker questions.  Ms. Fleming says that if she was stranded on a deserted island she would bring “her yellow lab Riley and her fiance Tyler”. 

Be sure to give Ms. Fleming a warm Saint Stephen’s welcome if you see her in the hall.

  • Ms. Fleming and her fiancé Tyler pose together in the swamp.

  • Ms. Fleming cheers loud and proud at her high school in 2015.

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