First Saint Stephen’s improv show hits the stage
Improv show this Saturday at 7:30pm in Falcon Playhouse. Don’t miss it.
November 21, 2014
Lane Barnes, junior, reaches into a basket and pulls out the phrase “Will you marry me.” Acting on the spot, she immediately transforms the phrase into a dramatic scene. She rants to fellow improv partner, Jack Lu, sophomore, about how he must wed her. Crazy antics like this in the classroom can only mean one thing: Upper School students are rehearsing for the first ever Saint Stephen’s improv show.
When asked what inspired her to put on this show, Mrs. Elisha, drama teacher and director, said “We’re studying improv in the theater classes and the students have been having a lot of fun with it… I thought it would be a great way for students to get involved…They would be able to perform, have a really great time, but not have the stress and burdens of all of the rehearsals and all of the line memorizing [that would be involved in a play].” This relaxed but creative atmosphere is what has attracted students from almost all of the grades to participate. The show will feature seniors Devika Davda, Ben Kalish, Toby Howell, Julien Wynan, along with juniors Lane Barnes, Amanda Viota and sophomore Jack Lu.
The show comes to the Falcon Play House (US drama room) on Saturday, November 22nd, at 7:30pm. Tickets are free for students and teachers and $5 for outside guests.
If you’re not sold the show will be funny, simply sit in on one of the rehearsals. Every day at lunch, more and more students come to Mrs. Elisha’s room looking for a laugh and they never leave disappointed. The dedicated actors have been practicing for the past two weeks, honing their improv skills. A typical practice consists of starting with easier games and warming up to more complex ones in preparation for the show.
This is not your typical Saint Stephen’s performance. Mrs. Elisha says it’s special because “Each actor brings their own life experience to the scene and you never know which character they’re going to create, or do, or be.” This dynamic form of self expression will truly make the show one to remember and may be the first of many.