Why I make Mandalas

Showing those who you love that you care is an important part of maintaining a relationship. This is my way of showing my love for my friends.

Evanthia Stirou, Artistic Director

I’ve taken up a new hobby recently, one that makes me happy and brings joy to the people I love most. Every day, I make one special drawing for each of my friends. These drawings resemble mandalas, which are spiritual, religious symbols in Asian cultures. They usually feature symmetrical, geometric shapes.

I chose this style because I find mandalas beautiful and satisfying to look at. The program I use for digital art has a symmetry feature, too, which allows me to create these unique and personalized patterns.

Currently, I have two people on my “Mandala Mailing List,” and the mandalas I’ve been making are fitted to each of their personalities and individual styles. For example, for my bubbly and feminine friend, I usually create flowery, minimalistic, smooth designs with light pastels and shades of pink to go with her princess-y personality.

For my laid-back and artistic friend, I choose strange, contrasting colors which usually wouldn’t go together, along with ornate patterns and free-flowing shapes. Through these drawings, I try to capture the essence of who they are so I can create something that makes them feel special in their own way.

I love making these drawings for my friends, and I look forward to creating different patterns each day. Even though I am in control of what I draw, I tend to let loose and let the mandalas come to life on their own. The mandalas not only allow me to express my appreciation for others, but they offer me a creative outlet and a medium with which to experiment with new techniques, as well as an excuse for me to relax and live in the moment.

Making mandalas has taught me to take pleasure in the little things in life, and to stop worrying so much about forcing myself to be perfect. None of my drawings are perfect, but they are still beautiful because their “flaws” are what make them unique and interesting.

Through my drawings, I can show my friends how important they are to me in a way that words cannot convey. We all have special people in our lives, and it is crucial to let them know how much we care for them. Sometimes, it is easy to take people for granted, and we should not have to experience the loss of a friend in order to understand how much they truly meant to us. This is why I make my mandalas, as a token of appreciation for the people who are always there for me, so that they never feel as if they are anything less than perfect, flaws and all.

So, I urge you to try and take some time out of your day to let the people around you know how much you love them. It may be some kind words or a simple gesture, something that may seem insignificant to you, but means the world to them. And do it for yourself, too, because through giving you can share in the joy and mutual appreciation.

P.S, check out some of my most favorite mandalas in the gallery below!



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