On Tuesday Feb. 3, exchange students from Colegio Nacional de Monsserat, one of our sister schools, will land in the nest as part of our global exchange program. The students will stay with host families for 10 days and attend classes and activities in the school community.
El Colegio and SSES have connected for over ten years, with exchanges happening in the last three, a relationship that has grown increasingly in the past years.
Exchange Program Coordinator Jennifer Hambrick worked intensely to create acsuccessful experience for both the host families and the exchange students. What she’s most excited about is seeing the students converse in their second languages.
“The whole goal of it is the cross-cultural exchange in dialogue,” Hambrick said. “You can read about another culture in a book, you can watch a YouTube video, or listen to a podcast, but when you breathe, eat, sleep it 24/7, that’s when you can really learn.”
Hambrick planned many fun activities for the visitors, including kayaking along the bayou, spending time with Freddy Falcon, attending classes, and soaking in the sun at Manatee Public Beach.
Our hosts will also be accompanying their buddies on these excursions.
Freshman Apollo Rumpel is hosting an exchange student for the first time. Even though he didn’t get the chance to choose his buddy, in the pairing up process, he got someone he can relate to.
“I’m excited to share my country and daily life with them,” Rumpel said. “Just as I’ll experience theirs.”
The Argentinian students will be here until Feb 13, and they’ll be in many of our classes as well, so don’t be scared to say hola!
“Exchanges are magical,” Hambrick said. “I too experienced an exchange when I was younger. It was really transformational, and they are life changing.”