Wednesday’s Dance-off competition has Seniors on edge
After an upset-win last year, the Class of 2018 looks to earn back-to-back Dance-off wins on Wednesday.
October 4, 2017
Dance-off, the highlight of everyone’s homecoming week experience, takes place this Wednesday. As each class looks for another opportunity to compete for spirit points, the Senior class looks at the Dance-off as another opportunity to maintain their spot on the top. For those taking part in the dance-off, being included is a way to show off their class pride as they help lead their class to victory.
When asked how he felt after the win last year, now-senior Rishab Ramamurthy said, “All we could think about was winning again next year.” This win boosted the then-junior’s spirit as they looked to continue winning the rest of the competitions.

Last year, the class of 2018 fell just short of topping off the class of 2017 by 17 points. The Dance-off victory is a crucial moment in the competition of the classes.
Saint Stephen’s Senior, Ben Whorf, who was part of last year’s Dance-off victory, said the win in the big event gave him “a year of glory and bragging rights over the Seniors.”
This victory, when added to their win on Gym Day, gave the Class of 2018 a boost in what should have ended in a trip to Busch Gardens. Unfortunately, their hopes for an upset fell short when the spirit shirt count on Friday led to the seniors squeaking out the ultimate win.
With a Dance-off win being on the mind of every Saint Stephen’s senior again this year, the class of 2018 looks to continue what has already been a strong start to this year’s spirit competition. The trip to Busch Gardens hangs in the balance.