Taking chances: How to get your 2018 Winter (In)formal tickets

Fisher Lindsey, Director of Visual/Creative Media

Tired of the traditional Winter Formal dance at SSES? Lucky for you, StuCo (Student Council) has totally revolutionized the concept for the 2018 dance.  There are many changes this year.

As part of the freshly-designed event, ironically titled “Winter (In)formal,” tickets will be sold at randomized prices. To determine the price your ticket, the purchaser rolls a pair of dice and the sum is the price for that party-goer.  This means you can only pay a maximum of $12!  Tickets will be sold today, at lunch, and next week during lunch and cookie break.

For an more in-depth rundown of the dance, you can check out our other article here.

Junior Ollie Leclezio rolls the die used for STUCO’s new pricing system.
Junior Ollie Leclezio rolls the die used for STUCO’s new pricing system.