Falcons share their New Year’s resolutions

Need a New Years resolution? Heres are some ideas from SSES students.

Reese Williams, Staff Writer

New Year’s resolutions ons: some people hate them, others love to make them and never follow through. Then there’s the small percent of people who actually follow through with their resolutions. As the New Year approaches, I decided to ask some of the students and teachers here at SSES what their resolutions for 2022 would be.  Here is what I found out.  

Freshman Blythe Sameit said her “New Year’s resolution is to be more respectful to [her] parents and to get better grades. Also, reate a more healthy and consistent exercise routine daily. Lastly, I want to get in more community service hours as a freshman so that I don’t have to rush to do junior and senior year.” 

Freshman Yara Nimpr voiced that her goal is to  “ learn discipline and to commit to more activities. Things like exercise, sports, grades, and [her] friends.”  

Sophomore Theo Frano decided his resolution is to “ procrastinate less and to put in extra work to improve at soccer.” 

Sophomore Arthur Li’s “resolution is to finish ten books within five months. I also want to improve my golf game by getting out on the course more and to have less time procrastinating.” 

Sophomore Cassidy Miller offered, “I would probably say that I want to plan ahead more for upcoming assignments and be more prepared for tests.”

“My New Year’s resolution is to find a good resolution and complete the hard task of actually following through with it,” sophomore Sarabeth Wester stated.

So, after hearing some of the students’ ideas on resolutions, what will yours be? What kind of person do you want to become, and will you follow through?  Good luck to everyone, and Happy New Year.