Top 5 Netflix cooking shows you should watch now

These gems will inspire you (and make you hungry).

Sarabeth Wester

These five shows are a cure to boredom, and a recipe for greatness.

Jordan Clark, Staff Writer

After being quarantined in our houses for months on end, I think we can all agree that it’s pretty easy to get bored out of our minds. To remedy this boredom, many people have started new hobbies, such as drawing, painting, reading, you name it. And because we can no longer visit our favorite restaurants the way we used to, some quarantiners have picked up the hobby of cooking, trying their hands at creating homemade meals.

One of the main reasons for the cooking and baking craze is the variety of trending foodie shows available on streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, or cable TV. With so many programs to choose from, inspiration for new recipes is easy to find.

What’s more, if you’re like me and you don’t have much cooking or baking talent, you can still, of course, find joy cooking by catching some of these shows.. Here’s is a list of the top five best cooking shows on Netflix you should watch now.

The Great British Baking Show: If you haven’t heard of this one I highly recommend you watch it. It takes place in the U.K. where twelve bakers from around the area compete in a ten-week baking competition. Unlike most baking or cooking shows, it’s entertaining because there isn’t a lot of drama within the show itself, making it more relaxing rather than having you on the edge of your seat.

Best Leftovers Ever!: In this show, three different chefs are brought together to compete in two rounds of competition, competing for the ten thousand dollar prize. Throughout each round the cooks have to turn dinner leftovers into comfort food, and turn fast food leftovers into a restaurant-ready dish. Both the contestants and judges are funny which adds a level of humor to the show.

Nadiya’s Time To Eat: If you caught season three of The Great British Baking Show, then you probably know who Nadiya is. After winning in season three, she now has her own cooking show where she teaches people how to re-create her own family recipes. The how-to elements in this show make it easy to follow along when attempting to make these recipes.

Nailed It!: There’s a good chance you’ve heard of this one, and if so it’s time to put it on your watch list. This show takes three amateur bakers from different parts of the U.S. to compete in two different baking challenges. I highly recommend watching this if you need a good laugh. It adds a higher level of comedy which makes it hilarious.

Sugar Rush: Similar to most baking shows, Sugar Rush takes four teams of two to battle it out in competition. They focus mainly on baking sweet desserts and big creations made out of cake, cookies, etc. to impress the judges for the cash prize. I really loved this show and think it’s absolutely worth watching if you are bored during quarantine. Watching these bakers make giant creations out of sweets is really cool to watch.

These five different shows have not only cured my boredom, but they’ve also helped me and so many other people learn how to make their own recipes. During these stressful times, making our own meals has provided people with a way to de-stress and take a break from the craziness.