Senior retreat photo gallery
The senior retreat took place the morning of October 16th, with the help of the Pathfinder Company, in hopes to strengthen their bonds with each other.
Kate Folkens, Staff Writer
October 23, 2019
The Revard advisory works together to fit themselves on small wooden planks while not falling off.
The seniors circle up as the Pathfinders introduce themselves and give a breifing of the day’s activities.
Palma Sola Botanical Gardens was a great place for the seniors retreat.
The seniors listen as they prepare for their next group activity.
Half of the senior class had their feet intertwined and without beaking the bond, attempted to walk in a straight line as part of a bonding experiment.
Wednesday, October 16th, was a beautiful day, with cool weather, a small breeze, and not a cloud in the sky.
The seniors relax after working hard in their fist session with the the Pathfinders as a whole class.
The Palezcny advisory puts their heads together to accomplish their task.
Mrs. Grady’s advisory thoughtfully completed their challenge in the shade to avoid the heat.
The Conn advistory relaxes after their balancing and group trust building activity.
The Revard advisory works together to fit themselves on small wooden planks while not falling off.
The seniors circle up as the Pathfinders introduce themselves and give a breifing of the day’s activities.