Sherlock Holmes production photo gallery

Last weekend, the Saint Stephen’s theatre program produced a performance of “Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Jersey Lily” by Katie Forgette. The show was brilliant and here are some good shots of the actors in action.

  • Senior Dylan Davis portrayed Watson, Sherlock Holmes’ sidekick.

  • Senior Dylan Zoller played the notorious Sherlock Holmes.

  • Watson and Sherlock Holmes bicker over their plans.

  • Senior Gabby Crenetti played Mrs. Langtry, a famous actress.

  • Sherlock Holmes shakes hands with Oscar (played by junior Torin Culp.)

  • Mrs. Langtry owned the stage with her entitled attitude.

  • The cast sits around a table for tea time and discussion.

  • Junior Olivia Kruel played Kitty Dupree, an actress and forger.

  • Senior Dylan Zoller gave a humorous portrayal of Gertrude Padgett.

  • Kitty explains and justifies her disguise to Mrs. Langtry.

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