Senior camping trip photo gallery
This past weekend, a group of seniors participated in the senior camping trip. They camped at Bigfoot Wilderness Preserve outside of Orlando and helped maintain the paths with the Florida Trail Association.
Kate Folkens, Staff Writer|January 22, 2020
As soon as they arrived, Seniors Julia Boehm and Anika Kennedy set up their complicated tent.
Seniors Siddie Pennewill and Dylan Davis took a break from trimming the trail to pose for a picture.
The seniors took a first day photo before they went off to clear the trails.
Mr. Forrester and Mr. Payne reveled in their victory after successfully setting up camp.
Some senior girls on clean-up duty smiled while washing dishes “the camping way.”
The senior girls made the last day’s breakfast with eggs, sausage, and coffee.
The seniors worked the whole day clearing the trails, even through the rain.
Seniors sat around the fire, keeping warm, on the chilly 40° Monday morning.
The seniors took one last picture before heading back to school.
Seniors Cam Vining and Dylan Davis play around with Tyler and Gabe Conn.
Senior Averie Robinson said this picture “was the embodiment of my camping trip experience.”