STEAM Fling’s a hit!

The 2023 STEAM Fling gets kids and parents excited for a new chapter of education at SSES.

The first ever STEAM Fling at Saint Stephens was Friday, March 10th, and you had to be there to experience all the wonderful things that they had to offer.

Throughout the afternoon, students and parents were able to enjoy shows from the Circus Arts Conservatory, SSES crescendos, and the Treble Makers. Along with all of these fun shows, there were also hands-on learning activities including the Mote Marine Touch and Feel Stations, Fab Lab Science Experiences, and experiences you couldn’t miss from the SSES Math Blast!

“This is definitely the most unique thing we’ve done. This will get parents and students alike excited for the new STEAM center. The amazing part about this center is that it will extend knowledge, and excitement for education. With all of these different and unique individual subjects coming together, we are able to integrate a cross curriculum corse into the STEAM center which is what I am most excited for!”  – Cheri Cotton, Geometry teacher.

Seeing the smiling faces of everyone having a true passion for all of the different areas of STEAM, including Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math is amazing!

Along with all of the amazing activities that were offered, the STEAM Fling paid homage to Dr. Pullen’s retirement after 35 years of service and leadership to the school.

The new STEAM center will house all of the different and intricate classes and concepts that Saint Stephens has to offer. Many new opportunities and openings will be available after the completion of this center.



  • Smiles from the face painting table. (Joshua Sket)

  • Andrew Forrester holding double thumbs up with Cameron Brewer ’25. (Joshua Sket)

  • Robert Moran running the 17th annual “Cake Walk.” (Joshua Sket)

  • Cheri Cotton showing off her Mesmerizing geometric art she created with a swinging pendulum. (Joshua Sket)

  • The Sophomore class of 25′ spinning large cotton candy treats for everyone. (Joshua Sket)

  • Donegan McAvoy ’28 enjoying his cotton candy. (Joshua Sket)

  • Coco Joe’s, a classic Italian ice company makes an appearance! (Joshua Sket)

  • Students and families watching the mesmerizing “Bubble Show.” (Joshua Sket)

  • The bubble wizard creating a galaxy of bubbles within one bubble. (Joshua Sket)

  • Kids enjoying the slides and games available at the STEAM Fling! (Joshua Sket)

  • Two middle school boys showing how the STEAM Fling is fun for all ages! (Joshua Sket)

  • Families relaxing in the shade after an amazing day. (Joshua Sket)

  • Kids playing with each other and forming life long friendships! (Joshua Sket)

  • Volunteers making catapults and spinning art to get kids excited about the collaboration between Arts and Engineering! (Joshua Sket)

  • A man standing high as a falcon on stilts! (Joshua Sket)

  • Student volunteers making sure the whole event is a success! (Joshua Sket)

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