Team Gold is shown thinking furiously as they answer a question just in time.
Junior Cameron Schindler, trying to get a precise answer.
Speaker Mr. Huff announces the question to the teams before they compete.
Team Gold listens in for the question before buzzing to answer.
Saint Stephen’s faculty help as part-time judges calculating and double-checking the answers.
The Commisioner’s Academic Challenge is in full effect. Sixteen academic teams competed this year.
Sophomore Pearson Walters listens in to Junior Cooper Henry as he gives advice to the team.
Senior Sam Mascera is deep in thought before buzzing in to answer.
Sophomore Pearson Walters calculates his answer before discussing his findings with the rest of Team Gold.
Faculty listens closely to Mr. Huff’s questions.
Senior Theo Frano gives his two sense to Team Green before taking first place in the competition.
Photo Gallery: Academic Team Meet
At last night’s Commisioners Academic Challenge meet, the Falcons Green and Gold teams competed agasinst 16 local teams. The Gold team took second place and the Green team came in first, adding some hardware to the trophy case.
Cade Walters, student writer
September 20, 2023
About the Contributor

Cade Walters, Staff Writer, Videographer, Photographer
Cade Walters is a senior and joining the Gauntlet for his first year. He wants to leave a mark in the video and photography team here in the newsroom. He has spent his years playing varsity baseball and basketball and even plans to play in college. He enjoys his free time training, hanging out with friends, and listening to music.