The freshman Falcon pushed her sophomore opponent out of bounds, claiming victory.
Junior and senior Falcons face each other in an icy standoff.
Junior Class President Sanjay Dastidar helping his sumo representative into the inflatable ball.
Upper School Falcons wait in anticipation for the sumo wrestling event to begin, a new event here at Saint Stephen’s.
Student Council assists the sumo challengers throughout the competition.
Senior Austin Varga preparing to crush the competition.
Sophomore sumo wrestler charges head on toward his freshman challenger.
Freshman underdog Carson McBride celebrates his unexpected victory.
The crowd anxiously watches as the freshman vs sophomore battle comes to a match-point.
Sophomore StuCo member Carter Hasbrouck acted as the referee during the sumo matches.
Senior Ansley Morris charges towards her junior competition, prepared to bring a win back for the class of 2025.
The freshman earned a point by knocking over the competition.
Photo Gallery: Sumo Wrestling Spirit Event
Here are some shots from Thursday’s spirit competition out at the Moore Athletic Complex.
About the Contributors

Adam Graf, Staff Writer
Adam is a second year staff writer on the Gauntlet and a senior at Saint Stephen’s. When asked his favorite show of movie he responded, “yes,” he enjoys golfing and spending time with his friends. To reach him his email is [email protected]

Grace Baxendale, Associate Editor
Grace Baxendale is a junior and second-year member of the Gauntlet, this time taking on the role of associate editor. In her free time she enjoys art, gaming, and listening to music. She’s a huge movie enthusiast, and you’ll likely catch her watching horror, thriller, or drama. She also has two cats that mean the world to her. Her favorite artists are Radiohead, Wave to Earth, Frank Ocean, and Jeff Buckley.
Haiel Suwaity • Sep 4, 2024 at 12:05 pm
This was so fun to watch!