Eggs, bacon, grits, sausage! Eating breakfast in the morning helps more than you know…
April 3, 2018
The average American eats three times a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Unfortunately, teens in high school nowadays forget to eat breakfast, which can be affecting the way students act and feel throughout the day.
Even having a simple breakfast sandwich can change your mood, health, and energy throughout the school day.
At Saint Stephen’s, many students reported skipping breakfast due to the lack of time in the morning. This is a serious issue, and we ought to reflect on our morning habits to make the most of our days.

There are many reasons why we don’t eat breakfast. I think it all starts with the fact that we are always in a rush in the morning.
Besides being in a rush, some students no longer have their parents to make them breakfast like they did back in middle school. The convenience of breakfast is no longer an option for some students. Waking up to make your owns eggs seems like more of a hassle than a benefit.
When under a time crunch, the best way to get your morning fuel is to wake up earlier so you have enough time to make breakfast.
If waking up earlier is impossible for you, then try making fast easy breakfasts.
If making breakfast is something that will take too much of your time in the morning, then try grabbing breakfast on the go. Although it may not be the healthiest option, Chick-fil-A, Dunkin’ Donuts, Starbucks, and other chains all offer yummy breakfast options that you can easily eat on the way to school.
In the morning, most of us are very lethargic and grumpy. Skipping breakfast, although it may seem like one less thing to do in the morning, is just making people feel worse in the long run. Eating breakfast provides a sense of satisfaction and can lift one’s mood.
Nutritionally speaking, eating breakfast can boost your metabolism and keep you feeling energetic.
That is partially why people recommend you eat a hearty breakfast before standardized tests like SAT or ACT.
People love their morning eggs and a side of toast, but when students are rushed in the morning, breakfast is frequently skipped. As a result, people don’t feel energetic for a whole day of school.
Breakfast is an important aspect, fueling the way we think and act for the rest of the day.
Wake up tomorrow and start eating breakfast, make it a habit.