StuCo unveils “Advisory Door Decoration Spirit Competition”
This holiday season, advisories and grades will compete for most holiday spirit by decorating doors and cubbies.
November 14, 2017
This holiday season, Saint Stephen’s Student Council is sponsoring a door decoration spirit event competition. Each advisory will decorate their own door in holiday fashion during the weeks leading up to the December holiday break.
Each advisory door will be graded according to the following criteria: overall presentation, creativity, tastefulness, effort, and complexity.
-Advisories may use wall area around the door, but may not cover the glass.
-Advisories are not allowed to impede the opening or closing of the door.
-Advisories cannot cover the doorknob
-Advisories must take the decorations down before the holiday break.
After the decorations are complete, the advisors in each grade will choose the best-decorated door from their grade. These doors will be placed into the final four and judged by Mrs. Ivin on December 12th. The winning door will earn 25 spirit points; second place 15; third place 10; fourth place 5. If all doors in a grade are decorated, a 5 point bonus will be added to that grade’s score for full participation.