Lunch is served: New food comes to Saint Stephen’s
The highly anticipated lunches from Metz Culinary Management is finally here. Try it for yourself and give Ms. Carney your feedback!
January 30, 2018
The highly anticipated food for the Saint Stephen’s lunch program from Metz Culinary Management is finally here. The new menu items arrived in the lunch loggia on January 22nd, bringing variety to our lunches.
By talking to students who tried out the new additions, the general consensus shows overwhelming positivity.
Sophomore Augustus Bayard told the Gauntlet he “enjoys the new food because you aren’t left feeling sick after.”
He added: “The food adds a fresh and healthy element to our menus that was previously lacking.”
Bayard, along with other students, are reacting with pleasure to the new additions.

The Metz items are available for purchase every day. You can buy the new food either by pre-order, or through the traditional hot lunch line. According to Ms. Carney, the head lunch lady, the food sells out quickly at the beginning of every lunch, showing how popular the food is.
As awareness about the food increases, a rise in demand will follow. There is already a problem with a lack of food, so as the demand increases the supply to demand gap will only lengthen. This suggests we should order more food to meet the demand, allowing more people to try the new food.

Ms. Carney also said the new lunches are a quick and easy set up for lunchtime.When asked about her thoughts, Ms. Carney said she’s looking for any food type suggestions anyone may have. If the suggestion is wanted, Metz Culinary Management will add it to the menu. Because of this, don’t be afraid to approach Ms. Carney to tell her your thoughts, helping bring the school what’s wanted!