New Snapchat Update has Falcons up in arms
February 16, 2018
Just a week after the new update, the changes to Snapchat have disturbed almost every Snapchat user at Saint Stephen’s. The app has updated from the simple platform that everyone has known to a whole new design that is more clustered and complicated.
Snapchat is something everyone has used as an easy way to communicate with friends and family. The original platform has always centered around three main pages: a page to view your recent Snapchat history, a page to take pictures or videos to send to your friends, and a page to view the stories of your friends and others.
The layout of the three pages made Snapchat a very popular app. What many people likeed most was the simplicity. For me, it was easy to send a Snapchat and see my friends’ stories. I instinctively swiped right to view the stories of my friends, which may or may not be a good thing.
Now, the new Snapchat is cut down to two main pages: a picture/video taking window and the snap history. Although people may think that only having two windows is going to be easier, that is not the case for most people. With two main pages, all the features are now packed in and the overall app seems less smooth, more complicated.
To view friends’ “stories” now (stories are basically posts, like on facebook), you have to go to the Snapchat history page and scroll through your history to find your friends stories. In my opinion, this makes communicating with your friends a lot harder because of the clustered up windows.

After talking to a few of my friends, I’ve concluded that almost everyone hates the new Snapchat update. I feel like I am missing the social broadcasting of my friends.
Users outside of Saint Stephen’s have felt the same way, and Snapchat has let out a rumor that they may bring back the old platform, due to the multitude of negative feedback.
What are your thoughts about the new Snapchat update? For me, this change makes it clear that dramatic changes to apps can really be a bad thing. Keep posted for more.