Gym day this year has a new twist; Indoor and outdoor events scheduled
Gym Day, in previous years a bit under-whelming, has a new twist this year. There will be both indoor and outdoor events.
March 7, 2018
Gym Day at Saint Stephen’s (March 23rd this year) is fun-filled and full of spirit competitions. It is a day where classes compete against each other in sports and other types of challenges. All upper school students enjoy the light hearted competitions along with the laughs shared between classmates.
One thing that students have brought attention in recent years is that it is no longer not Gym “Day;” it’s actually Gym “block,” meaning it lasts only the length of three class periods (3rd, 4th and 5th), and for the rest of the day, students go back to their regular class schedules.
Students seem to want more time for Gym Day. Several years ago, Gym Day lasted the whole school day, but with the new block schedule, it has a tendency to make rest of the school day a bit confusing.
Students’ schedules last year were shortened in the morning with a regular schedule after lunch (6th and 7th period).
Junior Noah Labelle said, “It would be really nice to lengthen Gym Day, especially because it will allow for everyone to get included in the school spirit.”

Also, many students believe Gym Day should be longer so it can include more events that a lot of people can participate in. Sophomore, Emily Clark wishes Gym Day had more room for more people to participate, and she thinks it would make Gym Day more enjoyable.
Clark said “I love Gym Day, but I wish I could participate in more of the events.”
Gym Day tends to just involve the top athletes in every grade, leaving less room for others to participate. A large game of soccer or kick ball would involve a lot of people and give kids more of a chance to participate. With that in mind, there are some changes bring put into place this year.
Gym Day will now include both indoor and outdoor events; this leads to more ideas for spirit events and bigger games because of the abundance of space on the field.

According to student council, they are thinking about having some of Gym Day’s events on the field. The only problem with Gym Day being moved to the field is students spreading out and drifting too far and not being involved and participating in field day. However, the “big event,” which will be a “Powder Puff” football game. That is when the girls play football and the guys are the cheerleaders.
Gym Day is a great way to show school spirit with your classmates. Students want Gym Day to be extended and incorporate participation from all classmates. We’ll see how it goes!