SSES Culture mag “The View” arrives on campus Friday
The View, SSES’s multicultural and multilingual yearly magazine, is set to be released Friday.

“The View Scholastic is the first multilingual liter- ary magazine of its kind in the nation.”
April 30, 2019
On Friday, the entire Saint Stephen’s community will gather in the Hoagland Arena to celebrate the annual Publications Chapel.
You may know this colorful yearly gathering as “Yearbook Chapel,” but the event also includes end-of-the-year presentations from the other two school-sponsored publications: The Gauntlet and The View Scholastic (commonly known as The View).
The View is Saint Stephen’s very own multilingual and multicultural magazine. It has a storied history of publishing fine articles, and the mag has been led by some of SSES’s finest student-editors.
The View is written and translated exclusively by language students with the goal of providing a medium for readers and writers to grow their foreign language proficiency and enhance understanding of global cultures.
The 2019 edition of The View Scholastic will be centered around the theme of Heroism and you’ll be able to find hard copies in the main office as well as the library.
The editors of the view are students that excel in their respective foreign language studies.
Matthew Thomas // Editor-in-Chief
Katie Lin // Design Editor
Isabel Sevilla // Spanish Editor
Ruoyu (Anna) Zhang // Mandarin Editor
Colton Melnick // Coordinating Editor, Latin Editor
Graham Beckstein // Greek Editor
Andy Sevilla // French Editor
The View released a screenshot of one of the articles in the magazine to get a glimpse of this year’s edition.