Are you the next J.K. Rowling?
Looking for a way to express yourself through creative writing? Read this article about the Falcon Fiction Award competition.
Do you seek meaning in this universe? Are you a skilled storyteller? Do you enjoy writing short stories, or want to try your hand at literary glory?
Saint Stephen’s, in conjunction with senior Kassandra Haakman (whose independent study this year is to integrate more creative writing into the English Department), is happy to announce an exciting new opportunity: The Falcon Fiction Awards.
The Falcon Fiction Awards are modeled on similar, national short story contests. The way it works is students submit a short story for a chance at winning the contest. The awards were designed to honor students in the area of short fiction writing.
Winners will be recognized in two different groups: the freshman group (all freshman will have their English 9 story automatically entered), and the “pen group” for everyone else.
This year and last, a large number of English students took a creative writing seminar. If a student felt they wrote a strong story, they are encouraged to submit a story. You never know— your short story from last semester could be the winner!
The contest victors will be announced at the final honors Chapel of the year, where the first-place winner in each category will receive a Barnes and Noble gift card and the second-place winner will receive a certificate. Their stories will also be published on The Gauntlet.
For anyone interested in submitting a story, guidelines are as follows:
- 12 point Times New Roman font and double-spaced
- Minimum of 1,500 words
- Can be any genre, but must be appropriate for middle-schoolers to read (think PG-13 at the maximum)
- Must be original work
Any fan-fiction will be disqualified.
Stories must be turned in by April 1st through this form.
If you have any questions, please feel free to talk to Kassandra Haakman or Mr. Hoonhout, in the English Department. Good luck and we look forward to reading your work.

Evanthia is a third-year Creative Director on The Gauntlet. She is a senior here at Saint Stephen's and likes drawing, playing Genshin Impact, and hanging...