Hurricane Ian storms through school schedule

With the storm rapidly approaching Florida, here’s what you need to know about the schedule.

Julia Craig

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Jackson Nealis

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Reese Williams

Mr. Forrester is stunned by the progress of Hurricane Ian.

After meeting earlier this morning, Saint Stephen’s administration announced that school will be closed from Tuesday, September 27th through Friday, September 30th. Updates will be posted on SSESonline through the News tab located on the main dashboard, on Saint Stephen’s social media sites, and sent through emails from administrators. 

Upper School Director Mr. Forrester says, “no matter what happens, we’re still doing homecoming next week as planned, and the end of the interim will not change.” 

Hurricane force weather is expected to begin affecting the area late Tuesday evening with it arriving in the Manasota Area throughout Wednesday as a Category 3 Hurricane with 105-140 mph winds. Falcon families should prepare by arranging extra provisions, clearing loose debris from lawns and anticipating power outages.

To keep track of Hurricane Ian, refer to this link for up-to-date information. Stay safe out there, Falcons!

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