Saint Stephen’s students talk thanksgiving


Drawing of a thanksgiving classic: the hand turkey.

Andrei Black, Staff Writer

Thanksgiving: The holiday often forgotten, stuck in Christmas’s shadow. With all the Christmas displays in stores and Mariah Carey blasting over the radio, it is almost like Thanksgiving doesn’t even exist.  On November 1st, we start listening to Yuletide music and putting up our trees. With that schedule, there’s not even a chance for Thanksgiving decorations or cheer. So let’s hear what Falcons are doing to spread the Thanksgiving spirit.  

When I asked Senior Matthew Talbot what his favorite thanksgiving dish was, he said, “mashed potatoes by far,” and “he’s going to be here spending the holidays with his mom.”.

Junior Keira Milburn said that when it comes to dishes, the most important one has “gotta be homemade made mac and cheese.” Milburn said she’s staying home. “I’m just spending it with the usual people in my life and it’s gonna be great.”

Senior Bryce Griggs said “turkey.” Simple, but definitely a staple. His family is traveling here from New Jersey so they can all spend the holiday together. 

Mr. Revard also went with “mashed potatoes’ ‘for his favorite dish. Good choice, definitely can’t go wrong there. Revard is doing something a little different this year. “I have the pleasure of going to Saint Louis to see my family.”

I had to ask Mr. Cotton, who shared, “Definitely mashed potatoes and gravy and I have the joy of bringing my wife’s entire family to our house from Arizona.” Great choice and good luck.

Our favorite librarian and dean, Mrs. Pommer, said, “Spicy baked butternut squash and I’m spending it with Mr. Carlson’s family in Texas.” Her partner in crime, Mr. Carlson added to that and said he’s all about the “Green bean casserole and cooking all the food while watching the parade with the fam.”

One of my favorite freshmen, Alex Holmes said, “Turkey and gravy by far. I’m taking more of a modern approach to Thanksgiving and I’m going to Universal with my mom and dad.”Never heard that before,but it sounds fun.

To wrap it up, I had to ask my homie Cassi O’Donnell. She said “Pumpkin Pie.” Not surprised— that’s such a Cassi thing to pick. “She’s going to Massachusetts to spend it with her family.”

First thing’s first, we have a clear winner for the greatest Thanksgiving dish: the mighty mashed potatoes. 

As you heard from our Falcons, the Thanksgiving spirit isn’t where you are, it’s who you’re with. It’s about getting together with your loved ones and sharing what you’re thankful for. Thanksgiving is for eating great food and making awesome memories you will never forget.

Thanksgiving is often kicked to the curb, and it deserves a lot more credit.Whether you’re staying home or traveling afar, how your family celebrates Thanksgiving together is what makes Thanksgiving matter.