This season, the Varsity Girls’ Soccer team is playing with a vengeance.
After coming in a close second last season to Tampa Preparatory School during District Finals, the team is ready to reclaim the District title and go even further as a team. In addition, the girls were kicked a curveball when many of last season’s starting players graduated with the Class of 2012. Now, the team, which consists of an assortment of fairly new players this year hopes for a successful season against all odds.
Senior Alexis Sedillo, who has been on the team since her eighth grade year, said it took some time to adjust to the different dynamics of the team, but so far everything has gone smoothly.
“It is [difficult] to lose so many key players because you have to fill in those positions. [However,] the best thing about our team is that we know how to work with what we have. We have done really well so far,” she said.
Sedillo also said she felt that the girls who are fairly new to the team have caught on quickly. “The majority of the girls have been on the team for a while, but there are also a lot of girls who were new this year or last year. It was hard at first [to adjust them], but they all have learned quickly,” she said.
Freshman Samantha Burgess, who is new to the Varsity team, said being new to a team with so many veterans was an initial concern. However, she said that any worries she had going into the season have quickly gone away because of the close bond all of the girls have.
“The girls [have] helped me, and I [haven’t] felt like an outsider. They all have made me feel really welcome,” she said.
Senior Emily Gessner, who has been unable to play for the past two years due to an injury, said it took a while to get used to being back on the field, but she could not have done it without the support of the team.
“It has been a bit difficult to adjust to the pace of the game after being out on injury for two years,” she said, adding, “Everyone recognizes that each individual player is an asset on the team, and that has helped me.”
One unique initiative that the team has been working on this season has been working out at a nearby Crossfit Gym.
Sedillo said the workouts have been beneficial to the teams’ performance during practices and games.
“We went there for the first few weeks, and that was awesome, because it built up stamina. But it was really [difficult],” she said.
Workouts were only one of the bonding activities the girls have participated in this year as they have bonded as a team.
Burgess said, “I feel like we’re all really close… We do bonding activities [such as going] to Yogurt Mountain,” Burgess said.
Gessner agreed that the team has a great relationship both on and off the field.
“I think the team as a whole has a great bond. We all enjoy practices and games and we win and lose as a team. This year [all of the girls] have to learn how to connect with each other, which I think we have done well this year,” she said.
With a 10-win lead so far this season, the girls can only hope for good things to come in preparation for Districts.
Sedillo said, “Our [main] goal is to beat Tampa Preparatory. The team really has progressed throughout the season, but it is sad that it is [many] of the players’ last year.”
Gessner that above all else, the girls want a season which produces players’ growth.
“Ultimately, we are looking to have a fun, productive season that [brings about] positive outcomes and smiling faces,” she said.