Teachers’ picks
May 9, 2023
Mr Santa Maria
The one book I think everyone should read is Moby-Dick. Aside from being a great adventure story and description of a fascinating, demanding and brutal industry, it is a thought-provoking philosophical journey. Herman Melville questioned the meaning of existence with postmodern storytelling techniques that were a hundred years ahead of their time.
Mr Revard
it is hard to decide on one book that is my favorite – I have read many, and liked different ones at different times. At times my favorite has been the Odyssey because of all that it has in it – love, loss, courage, challenge, faith and faithlessness, and it is all wrapped up in a world that is more simple than our own, quite different from our own, and yet very familiar.
Mr Yanelli
A favorite book of mine is titled Breakfast with Seneca by David Fideler. The book teaches its reader to think like a stoic, which involves only commentary or events and human interaction one can control and ignore the ones we can’t.
Mr Carlson
After giving it some thought, the best I can do is give you one of my favorites. The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas was my favorite book for a while in high school. I loved the sense of adventure, the ideas about ethics and justice in the book, and how ideas of revenge and forgiveness are woven through the book.
The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
People say that you can learn more from fiction than you can from real life, in many cases. For me, when I read Hemingway’s novel, I feel like I learned more from the protagonist, Jake Barnes, than I have from any living person— about thinking, behaving like an adult, dealing with adversity, coping with the ups and downs of living in a world that doesn’t always meet our expectations. Hemingway is so subtle and so low key that you find yourself filling in the gaps with yourself.