For the past decade, the answer to who would be headed to Busch Gardens as the victor of the Spirit Competition has always been the Seniors. But this year, a strong Junior class threatened upend the order of things.
After the two classes tied following Beach Day, many thought that a tie breaker would be required. However, earlier this week the decision was made to send the Seniors to the beloved theme park alone, with the Juniors having an alternative plan.
According to the administration, the decision was a difficult one. As the 2023-24 school year nears an end, and the StuCo competition ended in a draw, the same question has been on everyone’s mind: Who is going to Busch Gardens— the Juniors or the Seniors?
“Student council did have a tiebreaker planned,” US Director Mr Forester said. “As exciting as it would have been to have a breaker, we decided that it would be easier to let the Seniors enjoy their last high school trip.”
Forrester added that the Juniors would not be left empty-handed.
The plan is to “find something else to celebrate the juniors as both classes worked incredibly hard for it,” Forrester said. “No efforts by either classes are in vain and the juniors will have their trip next year.”
Potentially, there may be a trip in the Fall for the juniors, along with Spring trip for whichever class wins next year’s competition.
Many Juniors were frustrated by the decision to send only the seniors. Junior president Hao Li commented in this regard.
“Unfortunately our trip will be delayed until next year, but it is guaranteed,” Li said. “Then once we win the spirit competition next year, we will go again.”
For Li and many juniors, the results were frustrating.
“To me it’s just frustrating that the seniors got an easy way out, but all it means is that we’re gonna have a great senior year with a bunch of trips,” Li said.
The Student Council, the body of representatives responsible for coordinating the spirit competition, found themselves in a frenzy when the tie occurred during Beach.
“We understand that both classes worked incredibly hard,” StuCo Operations Director Sarabeth Wester said.
According to Wester, StuCo had hoped break the tie via one final spirit event, but in the end, there wasn’t time.
“In the end the decision wasn’t up to us,” Wester said. “This is the first spirit point tie in StuCo history as far as we are aware. We hope everyone had a good time participating and I’m glad we are able to celebrate both classes.”