The juniors won the event with a fun “dating game” theme to match Freddy Falcon with a new beau.
The junior class delivers their chant
The seniors sang the Alma Mater, to the delight of the crowd
The Upper School Band pumps up the crowd with a catchy beat
A freshman skit participant sports face-paint, part of her costume as the “groundhog” in the freshman performance.
The “mini cheerleaders” accompanied the varsity cheerleaders while Student Council counted the points after the event.
Junior Caitlin Neal gets laughs from the crowd in her turkey costume
Seniors Victoria Ziegler and Jack Horn played the Founding Fathers in the senior skit.
Anthony Sorrento and the seniors employed history teacher Mr. Bernie Yanelli to be a “writer of the constitution” in their skit
Saint Stephen’s faculty and students gather in the gym for the pep rally
The senior float was a “boat” that actually carried the graduating class across the gym as part of their skit
Senior Harrison Wright adds some final touches to the senior float
The senior class debuts their creative float to the audience
Pep Rally Photo Gallery
Friday morning, the Homecoming Pep Rally, along with the “Float and Skit” event, took place in the Hoagland Arena
Lucy Preston, Lark Rippy
November 8, 2024
About the Contributors

Lucy Preston, Staff Writer
Lucy Preston is a junior at Saint Stephen’s and a first-year staff writer on the gauntlet. Aside from writing, she enjoys shopping and hanging out with friends. A main factor about Lucy is her favorite color which is pink.

Lark Rippy, Staff Writer
Lark Rippy is a freshmen and staff writer on The Gauntlet. She has three goldendoodles and loves theater, history, and 19th century literature. Her favorite hobbies are reading, historical costuming, and watching Gilmore Girls, and her dream school is Oxford. Lark also enjoys all things Harry Potter, but can never decide if she’s a Ravenclaw or Slytherin. Reach out to Lark at [email protected].

Betsy Neal, Contributing Photographer
Betsy Neal is a contributing photographer for The Gauntlet. She enjoys covering sports and school events.